
- Country
- UK
- University
- Bishop Grosseteste University
- Time in Japan
- Since 2019
- Time Teaching
- Since 2015
All my life I have been a Historical reenactor! this means that growing up and still now whenever I can make it back to Europe or the UK I spend most of my summer dressed as, fighting and performing as a soldier from the 16th century! A time when the UK was tied up in a bitter civil war between the King and Parliament.
I love rock music! especially different forms of the metal and core genres. I like to go and see bands play whenever I can and am always looking for new recommendations!
- What do you think is special about GnoKids compared to other kids English schools?グノキッズが他の英会話教室に比べて、特別だと思うところはどのようなところですか?
- To me what is special about Gnokids is that here we focus on making learning English as fun as possible and encourage a relaxed classroom atmosphere. Typically, the more fun you have while studying any topic the better you can retain and use that skill or knowledge in the future. This combined with Gnokids project based curriculum which covers a wide variety of subjects and ideas makes Gnokids a truly unique English school.
- What is most important to you when teaching kids?お子さまを教える時に最も重要なことはどのようなことですか?
- To me the most important thing when teaching children is to be sure that everyone is comfortable and everyone is having fun. Even as an adult I know from personal experience that learning a foreign language is a difficult task. However it can be made much easier when learners are enjoying themselves and feel safe in their environment.
- What do you think has helped your students improve the most?どのようなことが一番お子さまの成長の助けになっていると思いますか?
- I think what has helped my students improve the most is my own passion for English in all of its glorious strangeness and for learning languages myself. I can relate to their own struggles learning English and that has helped me to help them by making my lessons content more understandable, relatable and engaging for them.
- What is your favorite place in Japan?日本のお気に入りの場所は?
- I have two favourite places in Japan! The first is Akihabara. I have been a big fan of Japanese pop culture and anime since I was 7 years old when the first Pokemon games and Anime arrived in the UK. So one of my favourite things to do is to go to Akihabara to buy character goods, play crane games and try themed cafes.
The Second is the Mikasa museum ship in Yokosuka. Studying History has always been my greatest passion in life and I am especially interested in Naval history of which Japan’s is long and rich. Mikasa is a beautiful ship and at 122 years old she is the oldest remaining example of a ship of her type in the world she has a fascinating story to tell and I highly recommend a visit to anyone with an interest in history.
- What made you want to live in Japan? 日本に住もうと思ったきっかけは?
- There are many reasons why I chose to come to Japan, but I think This is the biggest. Before I came to Japan I had lived in many different countries; the UK, Austria, Spain and Russia. So when I decided to leave Russia I wanted to go somewhere truly unique from anywhere I had lived before. Japan seemed like the best fit for me as I has never before even visited Asia and Japan is world famous for its truly rich and unique culture.
- What do you do in your free time? 時間があるとき何をしていますか?
- I like the food in Japan a lot. I don’t think I have had a bad meal in all the time I have spent here. I also like how clean, and tidy Tokyo is, there never seems to be any litter on the ground. Japanese people are also very friendly and welcoming, often going out their way to help on the many times I have been lost!
- What do you miss about the UK?イギリスについて寂しく思うことはなに??
- If you have met me you probably know that my two favourite things in the UK are Football/Soccer and the Food! I very much miss going every Saturday with my Dad and Brother to see our team Derby County play football and hopefully win!
I know that UK doesn’t have the best international reputation for food but even so there are many dishes that I grew up with that I miss a lot such as pork pies, pasties, full english breakfasts and of course fish and chips!