
I love baking and I regularly experiment with recipes. When I was a student, I made all my friends’ birthday cakes!
I have been studying Japanese for 3 years, and I really like kanji!
- What do you think is special about GnoKids compared to other kids English schools?グノキッズが他の学校に比べて、特別だと思うところはどのようなところですか?
- I think that GnoKids has many special points that set it apart from other schools. Having two native teachers in a class gives the students the rare opportunity to hear natural conversation between native speakers. As well as the benefits of hearing different native accents, and understanding that there are many ways to speak English around the world. Also, the curriculum is created by the teachers, and updated so that each lesson works the best that it can. There are regular meetings to discuss the lessons, this helps to keep the quality of teaching high, and ensures that we use the most effective methods to teach!
- What is most important to you when teaching kids?レイチェル先生にとって、お子さまを教えるときに最も重要なことは何ですか?
- I think what’s most important is to make connections with the children, so that they feel supported. It’s important to let children explore and learn by doing, so if we build good connections and get to know the children, they will feel more comfortable trying new things! Knowing about a student’s likes and dislikes, can really help tailor an activity to interest the students.
- What do you think helps your students improve the most?レイチェル先生にとって、どのようなことが一番お子さまの成長の助けになっていると思いますか?
- I think that having fun in the classroom has motivated the students, and helped them develop a real interest in English! When they have a good time at GnoKids, they usually go home and do their homework, and sometimes even ask for more! The confidence they get from using English in engaging ways, motivates them to do well and quickly improve.
- What surprised you the most when you came to Japan?日本に来て、一番驚いたことは何ですか?
- The biggest surprise for me was the restaurants! It’s so cheap to eat out in a restaurant compared to in the UK. Also, in the UK, people wait to eat until everyone has been served. But in Japan, you can start eating right away!
- Where are your favorite places in Japan?日本のお気に入りの場所はどこ?
- My favourite place to visit is Miyajima! I’ve been there twice, it’s so beautiful and peaceful. I always recommend it to my friends!
- What do you do in your free time?空いている時間で何をしていますか?
- I always have something to do to fill in my time! I particularly like all things Pokemon! I go to the Pokemon Center with my friends, and play the games, too. I also like to go to karaoke, bake sweets, and study!
- What do you miss about the UK?イギリスのどんなところが恋しいですか?
- I miss the snacks! My family sends me a box of snacks for my birthday, and I try to save them for months!