
I lived in Akita prefecture for one year as an exchange student! When I was there, I participated in many local festivals and cultural activities, such as visiting a Namahage town.
交換留学生として秋田県に1年間住んでいました! そこにいたときは、地元のお祭りや文化活動に参加しました。なまはげの町を訪ねるようなね。
In the UK, a lot of Christmas traditions vary between families – for example, on Christmas Eve my family orders Chinese takeaway and watches Doctor Who together.
- What do you think is special about GnoKids compared to other kids English schools?グノキッズが他の英会話教室と比べて、特別だと思うところはどのようなところですか?
- There are many things that set GnoKids apart from other English schools. One of the most important of these I believe is the student to teacher ratio, and with our maximum size of 10 students with 2 teachers per class. I believe our flexibility is also one of our greatest strengths. Our lesson plans are written by teachers and then adjusted to suit the various needs of our students, and all of our teachers meet regularly to discuss changes and how to make the various activities we do better for our students. This ensures that our students are able to reach their fullest potentials, as we understand that each child learns differently.
- What is most important to you when teaching kids?お子さまを教えるときに最も重要なことはどのようなことですか?
- I think the most important aspect of teaching children is building connections and a safe and comfortable environment for them. I find that building connections with our children helps them build up the courage to actually use the English we are teaching them, and give them an environment where it is safe to make mistakes, and then learn from them. This confidence propels them further and allows them to develop their abilities significantly more effectively, as well as significantly faster.
- What do you think has helped your students improve the most?どのようなことが一番お子さまの成長の助けになっていると思いますか?
- I have found that students have improved the most when they are presented with more fun and engaging activities. When we play games, the children are significantly more likely to make use of the phrases and vocabulary that we teach in order to play these games, and are also more likely to retain them. The more fun the game, and the more excited the children are to participate, the more they make use of the English content!
- Where do you want to go in the world ?世界中で行ってみたいところはありますか?
- I have always wanted to travel to New Zealand, but more specifically to Hobbiton! Some of my most vivid memories from when I was a child were going to see the Lord of the Rings with my family in the cinema. My childhood and then my adolescence was very much shaped by the movies and also by the books. It has long been my dream to walk among many of the famous places that I saw and read when I was younger.
- If you could do anything, what would you do?もし、何でもできるとしたら、何をしたいですか?
- Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated with exploration! I studied history and was always sad that almost everywhere in the world has been discovered and travelled to, and then I learned more about space, and its infinite mysteries. If I could do anything I would love to go to space or to another planet!
- What is you favorite food in Japan?日本で好きな食べ物は何ですか?
- This is such a tough question! There are a lot of amazing foods that come from Japan, like Sushi, Okonomiyaki, and Udon. I think, because I find it more enjoyably to make, I will have to go with Okonomiyaki – it was one of my first meals when I returned to Japan, as there aren’t so many places to get it in the UK.
- What are your hobbies?趣味は何ですか?
- I have a plethora of hobbies that I do. For one, I am an avid reader! My kindle library has exponentially increased since coming to Japan, and if I am ever on a train, I am usually deep into one of my various novels. I am also a bit of a tech geek – I built my own computer, and helped some of my friends build theirs. I am also a gamer! Most nights I relax by playing games or writing on my computer.