
Before moving to Japan I lived and worked as an English teacher in China.
I can play the guitar, the ukulele, harmonic and the drums!
- What do you think is special about GnoKids compared to other kids English schools?グノキッズが他の英会話教室と比べて、特別だと思うところはどのようなところですか?
- The thing that makes GnoKids special is the preview homework compared to most other schools that use review homework this helps the students to prepare for the next lesson and practice what they have been studying over the previous week.
- What is most important to you when teaching kids?お子さまを教えるときに最も重要なことはどのようなことですか?
- The most important thing when teaching kids is to have fun, if the kids are enjoying themselves in the lessons then they will want to use more English to interact with the teachers and other students.
- What are your hobbies? 趣味は何ですか?
- in my free time I usually cycle around the rivers and parks in Tokyo I also enjoy playing music.
- What is your favorite place in Japan? 日本で一番好きな場所は?
- My favorite place in Japan is Kyoto because it has many interesting and beautiful shrines and temples.
- What is you favorite food in Japan?日本で好きな食べ物は何ですか?
- My favorite food in Japan is curry.
- What is the one thing you would like to do in Japan? 日本で一つやりたいことは何ですか?
- One thing that I would like to do in Japan is climb mount Fuji.